Does life feel loud and overwhelming?

As a young woman, it can feel like everyone and everything is screaming for your attention, but the noise of this world  doesn’t get the last say in  the worth of your life. Your insecurities do not have to dictate your direction in life. There is a better way! It’s time to trust His plan and step forward boldly with confidence in who you were created to be.

Does life feel loud
and overwhelming?

As a young woman, it can feel like everyone and everything is screaming for your attention, but the noise of this world doesn’t get the last say in the worth of your life. Your insecurities do not have to dictate your direction in life. There is a better way! It’s time to trust His plan and step forward boldly with confidence in who you were created to be.

asset 2
6 Tips for Perfect Balance

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The Coach

Erin Anspach has a heart for young women fighting their way through the expectations and insecurities that leave them stuck in fear and anxiety.  In one-on-one sessions, Erin will help you rediscover the unique ways God has gifted you and she will challenge you to replace the lies of your inadequacy with the truth of God’s capacity.  By creating a safe space to break free from the noise, you will find the clarity and direction needed to run untethered and unafraid with your hands open and eyes on Jesus.


3 Ways to Help You Clear the Noise

My 5 Favorite Books

An easy way to quiet things down is to pick up a book and slow your speed of intake. These books will speak truth to your tired heart and offer tools to help you beat the worry.  

FYP Encouragement

Quick, timely and intentional, these TikToks aren’t like others. They will help you shift your thinking and add some truth to your scrolling.  

Coaching and Mentoring

A few intentional conversations may be all it takes to help you sort through the commotion of life and discover your next move out of the places that have kept you stuck.

what moms are saying

“Erin has been such a blessing in my daughter’s life. She gently, yet pointedly, guides her to find clarity in the heaviness that comes with being a teenager today. She holds her accountable, turns her toward what is true and helps her to realize who she is in Christ. I couldn’t be more grateful for her voice in my daughter’s life”

Karen B.

the course

Rise Up


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Nulla quis est id est tincidunt dapibus vel vel metus. Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est. elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus. Fusce mollis purus ante, vel convallis mi sagittis sed.

together we can

Help Her Find Her Way

Maybe you’re here looking for something, anything, that will help you navigate this season with your daughter.  You logged on feeling desperate to find a way to help her sort through whatever is going on inside her heart these days and praying you could take away just a little bit of the weight she seems to be carrying. As a mom of two teenage daughters, I can relate! These years are tough and even the closest of mother/daughter relationships can find themselves struggling to navigate the changes they bring.  

Whether it’s a college decision, struggling friendships, or the stress of all that she carries, giving her an opportunity to speak her fears and unearth her dreams in a space where there is nothing holding her back may be just what she needs to know her next right move.  In 1:1 coaching sessions, we will identify what’s not working, discover the gifts, talents, and passions that set her heart on fire and create action steps to get her where she wants to go. Want those things for yourself? We can do that too!

When a young woman gets passionate about who she is and what she's been created to do, she is unstoppable!